Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Anatomy update

Just finished the lower extremity (thigh, leg, foot, bits of hip that have to do with moving same). Test was on Monday. Got an 86% overall*, which I was kind of disappointed with compated to my 93% on the first exam, but the TAs pointed out that this exam was purposefully made more difficult, and it's a pass/fail class with a 75% threshold, and most people would kill to get our grade distribution. According to them, the test was about relationships and anatomical reasoning, which is basically prequisited on us having the anatomy cold - to have done as well as we did indicates that this was the case.

Now on the head and neck. We're getting a compressed version over the next week and a half (test on the 2nd). So, rather than posting, I ought to be reading my anatomy book and browsing my Netter's. Best of luck, all.

*81% on the written, 100% of slide id, and 89% on the lab practical. The slide id and practical are more identification oriented, thus justifying my reasoning.

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